Tuesday, October 20, 2009

At the Dog Park

Yesterday, since it was such a lovely fall day, Chris and I decided to take Sawyer to the dog park. We are fortunate to have many dog parks in London, and we try to switch it up each time, to keep Sawyer guessing. He can tell when he's getting close to one, as he begins to breathe rapidly (with a hint of a whine), as well as pace the width of the van to look out the windows, drool and put really gross nose prints on the windows.

The park we visited yesterday is a special one to us, as it was where my horse and buggy picked me up on my wedding day to take me to the wedding. Before Sawyer, we would drive by this park veeeeery slowly so I could look out the window (just like Sawyer) at all the dogs, wishing we could go and play with them...Sometimes, I admit, I teared up...

Sawyer loves the park. As soon as the gate opens, he just charges in there, head low, back legs flailing behind him, all jumbled up. He is the most uncoordinated runner out there. As soon as he meets the other dogs, he throws himself down on the ground, rolls onto his back, whines and tries to lick their faces. It used to be embarrassing, but now, well, it's just 'Sawyer'.

Sawyer doesn't really "play" with the other dogs. He doesn't wrestle, he doesn't play bite or play tug-of-war with the sticks, all he wants to do is run. He will chase dogs forever, and when they turn to wrestle him, he just smiles and runs off to find another dog. I think he may be playing hard to get....but we can't be too sure. ;) He truly does smile while he runs, and we think it's the cutest thing in the world. He looks happiest running free, tongue hanging out and leaving dust trails behind him. Thankfully it tires him out eventually, because it's impossible to get his attention and catch him unless you have four legs. This is why some days we don't leave as quickly as we'd like to.

The dog parks we visit are so clean and friendly it's hard to leave (and not just because you can't catch your dog). They have huge garbage shelters built into the ground for you to drop your dog's poop into, and everyone really seems to be on the ball with the cleanup. I have not stepped in poop, yet. *knock on wood* There are lots of trails at the park that go through little forests, but watch out for mud after rainfall. Somehow Sawyer can sense where there is a puddle and heads straight for it. He can make a dime size amount of water turn into a kiddie pool of mud. Once we had to take him to the Thames river to "rinse" him off, and I use that word lightly, as who knows WHAT is in that river... The other things I love about the parks are the bone shaped benches for the human guests and all the cute bird houses. I really feel great about being able to take Sawyer to these parks to socialize, and sometimes even humans can make friends too, thankfully, we don't have to sniff butts to become buddies. ;)

I recommend taking your furry friends to the dog park, it's great exercise and they really do love it. Just be responsible! Make sure your pet is up to date with their vaccinations, is social and scoop the poop! Remember to relax and look at the smiles that comes across their faces, because it's definitely worth it. (Plus afterwards they will sleep for days...) *wink*


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