Today we celebrated Sawyer's first birthday! I cannot believe he is already a year old! He is a big boy, but I never realized how big he truly was getting *sniff*... :)
For his birthday we decided to treat him to a fun trip to the dog park followed by a special treat from 'Bosco and Roxy's'. My husband discovered this store when he went Christmas shopping and found me an adorable black and white doggy print bowl which was an indication he was ready to get a dog, the BEST gift ever!
Bosco and Roxy's is the cutest specialized doggy shop. They are Canadian and are located in London, ON! They have great gifts for dogs and dog lovers like really original dog food dishes, clothing, unique leashes and the yummiest treats too, though you'll have to take Sawyer's word on that one. ;) For Sawyer's birthday we bought him a cute black and white cupcake (which ties back nicely to our first doggy bowl) and a bone stuffed with bacon and cheddar cheese. I have not seen him drool like that in, well, a year. The thing I really like about Bosco and Roxy's is that all their treats are handmade and are made with 100% organic and all natural ingredients, and their baked goods really look good enough to eat. I also love the bags your goodies come home in.
Sawyer really enjoyed his birthday, he played tag with his friends, dug a hole and ran away from his parents everytime we called him, but by the end of the night he was completely pooched. Happy Birthday Soy Bean, I hope it was everything you could have wished for and more!